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# Book Order
1 The Ickabog The Ickabog By Jk Rowling


This story is about the deception of Nathu, a sweeper residing in a frontier province in 1947. Nathu does not know of the evil plans of the Muslim politician who has paid him to cut a pig. The act will cause him a lot of trouble in this province and he is unaware of this. The murdered pig is found just outside a mosque in the city and this causes severe unrest. This is followed by the ruthless massacre of hundreds of Hindus and Sikhs by the infuriated Muslims. This results in more chaos and the Hindus start killing the Muslims. The situation is so severe that the government has to call in the army in order to calm the surging rage of the people. The shocking cases have been described in detail by the author in order for the people of India to get a better understanding of the situation back then.

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